What’s new in CDESK 3.0.193

4. November 2021

Version 3.0.193 brings an improved dashboard, new options and features for working with requests, linking to Waze navigation, CDESK in Polish and much more.

Release date: 4.11.2021


Linking to Waze

Version 3.0.193 comes with linking to Waze. Thanks to this, in the assignee’s mail notification from requests there is a link to navigate to the address of the company or to the address of the branch/place, if an object from the CMDB of type Branch or Place is linked to the request.

Odkaz v mailovej notifikácii pre navigovanie cez Waze
Link in the mail notification for Waze navigation

Inserting a navigation link can be enabled/disabled in the basic settings of Notifications.

Nastavenie pre zapnutie vkladania linku pre navigáciu
Settings to enable link insertion for navigation

My Activities widget has been improved

With the latest update, the My Activities – the List widget has undergone significant changes. Above the displayed list, toggles have been added to filter out these types of records:

  • Unassigned
  • Waiting for Response
  • To be fulfilled today, tomorrow
  • High priority (1,2)
  • With a specified weight

With this feature, you can quickly access the records you need without leaving Dashboard.

Prepínače pre zobrazenie určitého typu záznamu na widgete Moje aktivity
Toggles to display a specific record type on the My Activities widget

When displaying requests, an icon indicating request priority is displayed next to the record, making it more economical and easier to communicate the priority of the request.

Ikony signalizujúce prioritu požiadavky
Icons indicating request priority

New optional view of the list of requests with anchored column names

In case you have many columns displayed in your list of requests, we recommend you to use the new column anchoring feature. When enabled, the column names are also displayed as you scroll through the list, so you will always know what the information belongs to. The feature is turned on in the settings for column display and is not available for mobile devices.

Nastavenie pre tabuľkové zobrazenie s ukotvenými stĺpcami
Settings for tabular display with anchored columns

Fast request completion from the fulfillment form

Working with the request is considerably accelerated by the new function of quick termination of the request directly via the linked fulfilment form. This feature is only active if the fast completion of requests is enabled in the global settings.

Tlačidlo pre rýchle ukončenie požiadavky cez naviazané plnenie
Button for fast request completion via linked fulfillment

Links Added to CDESK Documentation and Support

Since version 3.0.193, there are new options in the menu under the user icon: CDESK Documentation and CDESK Support.

When you click on the CDESK Documentation option, you are redirected to the CDESK page, where you can find detailed descriptions of each module and instructions on how to use them. The CDESK Support option displays the CDESK page with important contacts you can address to, if you have any questions or experience a problem with the system.

Odkazy na dokumentáciu k CDESKu a podporu k CDESKu
Links to CDESK documentation and CDESK support

Polish language support

SInce the latest update, CDESK is now available also in the Polish language.

Výber poľského jazyka na prihlasovacej obrazovke
Selection of the Polish language on the login screen
CDESK v poľskom jazyku
CDESK in Polish

New tab to show which companies the SLA is assigned to

In previous versions, it was quite complicated to find out to which companies in CDESK the selected SLA is assigned. Since the new version, there is now a tab in the SLA form that contains a complete list of assigned companies.

Zoznam spoločností, ku ktorým je SLA priradená
List of companies to which the SLA is assigned

Request preview and new image viewer

To view basic information about the request, just click on the icon in the row of the specific request and the preview will appear directly in the list. The preview includes the request name, request description and an image gallery. When you click on an image in the gallery, the image will be displayed full screen.

Náhľad požiadavky v zozname požiadaviek
Request preview in the list of requests

The image viewer itself has also been improved. It offers more convenient switching between images, as well as options to download an image, zoom in, or a full screen view. If a request contains multiple images, thumbnails of all of them are displayed in the bottom bar when viewing them.

Nový prehliadač obrázkov v CDESKu
New image viewer in CDESK

Line Spacing of the fulfillment description displayed in the list of fulfillments

Where the fulfillment description contains a longer text divided into paragraphs, the list of fulfillments displays this text without paragraphs. This may make the text unclear. To avoid this, a button has been added to the list of fulfillments which, when clicked, will display the text with the original line spacing.

Porovnanie zobrazenia textu v zozname plnení pred a po odriadkovaní
Comparison of text display in the list of fulfillments before and after line spacing

In the request templates, the role selection has been expanded to set who can edit the field

In the request template, it is possible to specify which fields should be editable when creating or editing a request. With the last update, this setting has been extended with these new options:

  • Do not allow editing – field editing is not allowed. This is the old setting No.
  • All users – anyone with access to the field can edit the field. This is the old Yes setting.
  • Assignee, Operator, Administrator – field can only be edited by assignees, operators and administrators, if they have access to it.
  • Operator, Administrator/em> – only operators and administrators can edit this field, if they have access to it.
  • Administrator/em> – only administrators can edit this field.
Nové nastavenie rolí, ktoré môžu dané pole editovať
New setting of field editing
List of all news CDESK 3.0.193 >