CDESK allows customer accounts to be created automatically using Microsoft Entra ID, Google Authentication or manually.

For customer account creation to work, the email address or domain must be listed as an allowed domain in a company’s settings.

How does it work with authentication services?

  1. When you try to log in with Microsoft Entra ID or Google Authentication, CDESK will verify that your email address belongs to an allowed domain of one of the companies in the system.
  2. If the domain is authorized, the system will automatically allow you to register and create a customer account.
  3. After successful registration, the customer account created in CDESK will be placed in the Customer Accounts group and assigned to the company within which the address has been allowed.

How to create an account manually?

  1. Clicking on the Create a customer account link on the login screen will open a registration form for you to fill in.
  2. If the email address entered is within the allowed domains of one of the companies in the system, the system will automatically create a customer account for you.
  3. After successful registration, the customer account created in CDESK will be placed in the Customer Accounts group and will be assigned to the company in which the address has been allowed.

Enable customer account creation in the MS Entra ID Authentication connector settings

Go to CDESK → Global Settings → Connectors, API. This will open a list of connectors and APIs currently configured on your CDESK server. Locate the Microsoft Entra ID Authentication connector in the list and double-click to open it. If you do not already have this connector, you will need to create it first. For a detailed procedure, refer to the article MS Entra ID – Basic Authentication.

Otvorenie nastavení konektora pre MS Entra ID autentifikáciu
Figure: Opening the connector settings for MS Entra ID authentication

In the connector settings, enable the Allow new customer accounts to be created in CDESK toggle switch. Save the settings using the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Zapnutie funkcie v nastavení konektora pre MS Entra ID autentifikáciu
Figure: Enabling the feature in the connector settings for MS Entra ID authentication

Enable customer account creation in the Google Authentication connector settings

Go to CDESK → Global Settings → Connectors, API. This will open a list of connectors and APIs that are currently configured on your CDESK server. Locate the Google Authentication connector in the list and double-click to open it. If you don’t already have this connector, you will need to create it first. See the Google Authentication article for a detailed procedure.

Otvorenie nastavení konektora pre Google autentifikáciu
Figure: Opening the connector settings for Google Authentication

In the connector settings, enable the Allow new customer accounts to be created in CDESK toggle switch. Save the settings using the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Zapnutie funkcie v nastavení konektora pre Google autentifikáciu
Figure: Enabling the feature in the connector settings for Google Authentication

Enable manual creation of customer accounts

Go to CDESK → Global Settings → Users and turn on the Add a link to the ‘Create Customer Account’ login screen switch. Save the settings using Save.

Zapnutie prepínača pre manuálne vytváranie zákazníckych kont
Figure: Enabling the switch for manual creation of customer accounts

A Create a customer account link will appear on the login screen, allowing users to create a new customer account.

Prihlasovacia obrazovka s možnosťou vytvorenia zákazníckeho konta
Figure: Login screen with the option to create a customer account

Setting allowed company domains for new account creation

You can define allowed addresses or domains for each company. If a user who does not yet have a customer account with CDESK tries to log in and their email address belongs to an allowed domain, the system will automatically allow them to register and create a customer account.

Go to Address Book → Companies. In the list, open the company for which you want to configure the domains and in the General Information tab, scroll to Company Settings.

In the Domains or emails for creating customer accounts field, specify the addresses or domains from which new user accounts can be created. You can use whole domains (e.g. or individual email addresses (e.g.

Save your settings using the Save button in the bottom right corner.

Nastavenie domén pre vytváranie nových používateľských kont
Figure: Setting up domains for creating new user accounts

Creating a customer account in CDESK using MS Entra ID

If you have made the necessary settings and do not yet have a CDESK account, click on one of the buttons on the login screen:

  • Sign in with Office 365/ Entra ID
  • Sign in with Google
  • Create a customer account

This will open a new user registration form for you to fill in and submit. In the case of authentication services, the known data will be filled in automatically. The company will be set to the one where the user’s address or domain is enabled.

After submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your new account.

Samoobslužné vytvorenie zákazníckeho konta
Figure: Self-service customer account creation
Vstup do registrácie nového používateľa cez MS Entra ID
Figure: Entering the registration of a new user via MS Entra ID
Formulár pre registráciu nového používateľa v prípade MS Entra ID
Obrázok: Formulár pre registráciu nového používateľa v prípade MS Entra ID