Basic list of news for version 3.2.6
We bring you the basic list of news for version 3.2.6. The full text of the updates will be available in a few days.
We bring you the basic list of news for version 3.2.6. The full text of the updates will be available in a few days.
Simplified CDESK search via top bar by keyword, first version of "Kanban" tile view, Borrowings to track borrowed corporate assets, new email setup via web, documentation to automate missing processes via scripts.
In version 3.2.4 we bring a completely new Asset Management with inventories via mobile phone. We also released the first version of the next generation CDESK Pro mobile app, brought self-service account creation for your customers and enabled Google account login.
Button for quick completion of work orders, in VoIP module a window displaying pending calls and caller requests, avatars and colour of type displayed for requests in the calendar, 1-week view by source added, etc.
Version 3.2.2 includes an infobox displaying the most important information from the open record, you can now set your own column widths, XLSX exports have been added to requests, fulfilments, configuration items, projects, project deals and subcontracts.
In version 3.2.1 we added a new way to create reports for automatic emailing, important deadlines on configuration items will be reminded by a new reminder tool, work in the task list will be easier with a simple filter, etc.
Since version 3.2.0, it is possible to receive and process calls in CDESK, create your own forms from requests and fulfillment...
Device repair for one-off repairs, project progress in graphical Gantt charts, project documentation and project log to simplify project management...
Since this version 3.1.12 you can define your own request status, approve fulfilments, invoice fulfilments according to approvals, enjoy a summary economic overview of all project deals, etc.
Possible to request approval data directly in the approval process, information on leaves displayed in the calendar and on the main bar, convenient bulk sending of invoices and listing of jobs